
Fractured Families

tn_fractured-families Our readers might be interested in a book by Tanya Evans – Fractured Families: life on the margins in colonial New South Wales (2015, UNSW Press). Launched last week at the State Library of New South Wales, the book draws on the archives of The Benevolent Society (founded in 1813) to tell the stories of the ‘ordinary as well as the extraordinary’ people who lived and worked in colonial Sydney.
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The importance of photos

tn_cooinoo02Photographs play an important role in everyone’s life – they connect us to our past, they remind us of people, places, feelings, and stories. They can help us to know who we are. For people who grew up in children’s institutions, photographs are especially important – sadly, this is because for so many people, the photographs most of us take for granted, don’t exist.
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Seeking former residents of Weroona Home

tn_WeroonaA project based at Macquarie University is seeking former residents willing to share their recollections of life at Weroona Home.
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A historian can get lazy …

tn_bayswater Recently I’ve been working on an article about children’s institutions in Victoria in the early 1950s. This work saw me actually get up from my desk and leave the office to do some research – at Public Record Office Victoria, the State Library of Victoria and at the National Library of Australia in Canberra. These days, there is so much digitised historical material to access via desk-based research that a historian can get lazy …
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Memorial to children who died in State Care

tn_memorial_june2015_Page_1Next month, on 17 June 2015, a memorial to children who died in state care in South Australia will be unveiled at the West Terrace Cemetery in Adelaide.
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Welcome to the blog!

tn_jigsawmotifcrop3 Welcome to the Find & Connect web resource blog! We plan to use this space to connect with users of the Find & Connect website in place of our previous newsletters and News site.
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‘It smacks of slavery …’

tn_TED%20KILMURRAY%20website In May 1952, the Perth Sunday Times newspaper carried a series of articles about the fate of a young man who lived at Sister Kate’s Home, in Queens Park. A controversy had arisen about the Home’s policy that its residents be sent to work in the country when they turned 17, when one young man said that he would rather stay in the city.
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Find & Connect newsletters 2012-2014

tn_newsletter image In the past, you might have received our monthly Find & Connect web resource newsletters – we distributed these monthly during the first phase of our project.
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