RAD2 Successful Applicants

  • Feb 2, 2017
  • In News

The Records Access Documentation (RAD2) Grants offer financial support to eligible organisations for projects that will help Care Leavers and relevant Support Services find and access records created by non-government past providers of ‘care’ from the 1920s to the 1980s. We received high quality applications from around the country, and look forward to seeing supported projects implemented.

We are pleased to announce the successful applicants for the 2016-2017 RAD2 Grants:

  • Anglican Diocese of Adelaide
    Children’s Homes Records Indexation and Preservation Project
    Survey and index a collection of records relating to the provision of out-of-home care for children and young people.
  • Anglicare Community Services
    Photographs for Care Leavers
    Photographs for Care Leavers (PCL) is a project that will provide better and greater access to photographs relevant to a Care Leaver’s time in care.
  • Anglicare SA Ltd
    Home and Cottage Record Indexing Project
    Support the cataloguing of recorded information relating to Care Leavers, their attendance and provision of care, and information pertaining to the care facilities.
  • Barwon Child Youth & Family (BCYF)
    BCYF Significant Administrative Care Leaver Records
    BCYF will undertake detailed cross referencing with existing indexes from all of the historic records, to enable records officers to locate every existing piece of information relating to specific past care leavers.
  • Berry Street Victoria
    Conservation of photographic scrapbooks
    This project will provide care leavers with access to photographs which have previously been inaccessible.
  • Clarendon Children’s Home Inc
    Clarendon Records Project
    Complete the cataloguing of a variety of records.
  • Connections UnitingCare
    Connections Capture Project
    Cataloguing and digitising records.
  • Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
    Good Shepherd Access Records Project
    Indexing and microfilming / scanning records of persons in care, eg. admission cards and notebooks
  • Kildonan UnitingCare
    Improving Kildonan’s care records by continuing to work on photographic memorabilia and oral history for care leavers.
    Identifying and cataloguing images. Add the voices of Care Leavers to the collection by developing a small oral history project.
  • Samaritans Foundation Diocese Of Newcastle
    Improving Accessibility to St. Elizabeth’s Home for Girls Records (1926 – 1976)
    Improve accessibility to the St. Elizabeth’s Home for Girls records.
  • The Infants’ Home
    Improving Access to TIH Historical Records
    Indexing and digitisation of historical records to enable greater access for TIH to assist Care Leavers seeking details on their personal and family history.
  • The Uniting Church in Australia Archives (Victoria)
    UCA Archives Records Project
    Conduct a records survey to identify all records then to index and create finding aids to facilitate access to them.
  • United Protestant Association of New South Wales
    UPA Protestant World 1941 to 1986 (12 issues per year) Digitisation
    Index and include in Care Leaver files any articles or photographs in Protestant World pertaining to them. 
  • UnitingCare Gippsland
    Cataloguing, indexing and digitising Family Group Home records created by Kilmany Family Care
    Cataloguing, indexing and where possible digitising all client records until 1989. 
  • UnitingCare Queensland
    UnitingCare Queensland Out of Home Care Records Project
    Survey all records and begin a cataloguing project be continued as an ongoing project.
  •  Wesley Mission Victoria
    Indexing Wesley Mission Victoria Records
    Organise and index records relating to Care Leavers in the archive holdings.