Victorian Redress Scheme Announced

  • Oct 14, 2022
  • In News

Victorians who experienced abuse or neglect in orphanages, children’s homes and missions between 1928 and 1990 may be eligible for redress under a co-designed scheme, including urgent hardship payments of up to $10,000 for those in exceptional circumstances.

Consultation to co-design the scheme will be launched in coming months.

This announcement has been the result of strong advocacy from people who experienced care, and their response, along with more information on the impact this scheme will have, has been widely reported in the media since Wednesday’s announcement.

This article from The Age includes video of CLAN’s Frank Golding and Leonie Sheedy responding to the announcement: ‘A long time coming’: Victoria announces redress scheme for children abused in institutional care

You can listen to Leonie Sheedy on the ABC 774 Drive program here from 40:10

This story ran through the national rural papers: Compo ‘overdue’ for Vic care abuse victims

More from the ABC: Victorian government announces redress scheme for abuse and neglect victims in state care

If you were in care between 1920 and 1990 and need support, there’s a Find & Connect service in every state and territory that you can call or email here: