Usability Testing is Open!

After receiving feedback from regular and new users, in 2018 we started usability testing on, with a view to improving functionality of the site, and to start bringing the design of the site into line with changing expectations.

We have undertaken significant projects to make it easier for people who were in care and their families to find out about the institutions they spent time in as children, such as the Map of Children’s Homes. While our focus was on updating site content, and representing the voices of people who were in care in the information we provide, the technology and design improvements available online grew significantly.

After listening to the needs of those who use the website, and becoming aware of the new technology available to us now, we are at the stage where we can begin testing the site upgrade.

The Find & Connect web resource holds a huge amount of information and fulfills a very important function. Updating the site to meet current expectations of online spaces without losing any of the original innovations has been long and often complicated. We’re grateful to the work that so many have done to make it easier for those searching for important information about their lives to find it.

We have shared images of the new site evolving, sought feedback on the test site, and are excited to finally be able to make it available to those of you who will undertake usability testing, shaping the final version of the site that will go live later this year.

If you have five minutes and would like to join usability testing, please go to the survey here: