Freedom of Information Inquiry, Vic

We recently gave evidence to the Victorian government’s Inquiry into the operation of the Freedom of Information Act. Here’s what we said

Submission: Truth Telling for Stolen Children – Records and the Yoorrook Justice Commission

There’s no way of knowing what records were created & are still held by NGO’s about Aboriginal children removed from their families.

Film – The Right To Your Own History

This Danish short film tells a universal story of searching & finding for records about time out of home

More Victorian Ward Records Accessible

Records about State Wards in Victoria from 1864-1923) have been made available online

Homepage 2023

Implementing Your Usability Feedback

We’re almost at the end! We’ve made some changes based on feedback from site users, and can’t wait to see what you think.

Guardian title

Media Article “Buried Lives”

From the Guardian “When the United Aborigines Mission wound up in 2020, boxes of records disappeared – leaving stolen generations survivors with agonising questions”

Mt Penang Carpentry Class 1948

Review and Updates to NSW

We’ve added more info about NSW records and institutions after completing the first stage of our content review.

Updates: Child & Youth Migration Records

Records that were not available or hard to find are now accessible to child migrants & “Little Brothers”

Last Chance to Test the Website!!!!

Last chance to have your say on the new design of!

Usability Testing – There’s Still Time

Got ten minutes? Use it on usability testing & help improve the Find & Connect site