Mt Penang Carpentry Class 1948

Review and Updates to NSW

We’ve added more info about NSW records and institutions after completing the first stage of our content review.

Sydney’s ‘crisis of infanticide’ in 1873

The Infants’ Home (TIH) was one of the recipients of a RAD2 grant which the organisation used to arrange the digitisation of records and images relating to the Home, which are held at the State Library of New South Wales.  As a result of this work, TIH provided the Find & Connect web resource with new information so we could update our entries about the organisation and its records.
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Constant reminders

tn_FemaleOrphanSchool Nearly two years ago, toward the end of Blogjune 2014, I wrote a post about a visit to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria, Canada, and the overwhelming feeling that stories about the residential school system were eerily similar to those I knew from working on the Find & Connect web resource.
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Promoting the Principles

tn_Guidelines-cover Wattle Place hosts a regular interagency meeting of services in the Sydney area who hold care records. At one of our recent meetings we invited Barbara Reed of Recordkeeping Innovation to speak about her work with the Department of Social Services and the creation of the Access to Records by Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants
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Let no child walk this path again…

The-Natural-Way-Of-Things-book-cover Last week, Charlotte Wood won the Stella Prize for her novel The Natural Way of Things. The Stella Prize celebrates Australian women’s writing and this book explores contemporary misogyny in Australia . In Charlotte’s Stella Interview she spoke about some of the inspirations behind the book:
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Do you recognise these Barnardos’ Homes?

tn_Barnardos Lindfield Family Group Homes have existed in Australia since the late 1940’s and became an increasingly common model of ‘care’ in the eastern states during the second half of the century. Family Group Homes were located on residential streets, in the suburbs, generally without organisational signs and were often only open for relatively short periods of time.
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The Starting Point

tn_FemaleOrphanSchoolGeorgeSt.png The first children’s Home in the Colony of New South Wales (and, by extension, the first in mainland Australia) was the Norfolk Island Orphan School (1795-1814). This home for orphaned girls, or those ‘deserted’ by their parents was opened in 1795 by the Lieutenant-Governor of Norfolk Island, Philip Gidley King. The history of the Norfolk Island Home is the starting point for the history of children’s institutions in Australia.
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Fractured Families

tn_fractured-families Our readers might be interested in a book by Tanya Evans – Fractured Families: life on the margins in colonial New South Wales (2015, UNSW Press). Launched last week at the State Library of New South Wales, the book draws on the archives of The Benevolent Society (founded in 1813) to tell the stories of the ‘ordinary as well as the extraordinary’ people who lived and worked in colonial Sydney.
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Seeking former residents of Weroona Home

tn_WeroonaA project based at Macquarie University is seeking former residents willing to share their recollections of life at Weroona Home.
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