Sydney’s ‘crisis of infanticide’ in 1873

The Infants’ Home (TIH) was one of the recipients of a RAD2 grant which the organisation used to arrange the digitisation of records and images relating to the Home, which are held at the State Library of New South Wales.  As a result of this work, TIH provided the Find & Connect web resource with new information so we could update our entries about the organisation and its records.
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Recording RAD2

There are more records up on site, Care Leavers can access records faster, and organisations are improving their records access policies thanks to the RAD2 funding round.
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RAD2 Grants: the first 10 projects

tn_homes Late last year, 17 organisations were successful in their application for funding under the Records Access Documentation (RAD2) Grants. Here’s what they achieved.
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RAD2 Workshops

RADP2_logo_tilesizeEarlier this year, 16 organisations were funded to make records more accessible to Care Leavers through the RAD2 (Records Access Documentation) Grants Program. In February, the RAD2 team delivered workshops to successful applicants.
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RAD2 Successful Applicants

RADP2_logo_tilesizeThe Records Access Documentation (RAD2) Grants offer financial support to eligible organisations for projects that will help Care Leavers and relevant Support Services find and access records. We are pleased to announce the successful applicants for the 2016-2017 RAD2 Grants.
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RAD2 Grants closing soon!

RADP2_logo_tilesize The RAD2 Records Access Documentation Grants are closing soon. Applications need to be in by 5pm (AEST) on Sunday 20 November 2016.
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RAD2 website is up and running

RAD2logoThere’s been so much interest in the upcoming RAD2 grants round we’ve started uploading information to the website already, and also created a Facebook page to keep interested organisations up to date before applications open on 3 October.
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New Grants Announced!

RAD2jigsaw A new round of the Records Access Documentation grants for organisations to document records relating to care leavers will open in October.
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